Hacking Groups Archive

Lizard Squad is attacking Tor Browser using DDOS
The hackers group called Lizard Squad which also claims responsibility for taking down PlayStation Network and Xbox Live over the Christmas Holiday, tweeted that they are behind the Tor Browser Cyber Attack from Friday. To clarify, we are no longer attacking PSN or Xbox. We are testing

Rihanna falls prey to hackers. A nude photo of her was posted
A few days after the scandal about the publication of nude photos which was stolen from phones of celebrities, another big name victim of hackers. According to The Telegraph, it is the singer Rihanna, whose nude photo was posted on the Internet on the night of Sunday to Monday. According

Tricked by email. Ukrainian government officials have been spied on by hackers which have been used a Windows vulnerability
Hackers have used this summer an error of the Microsoft Windows operating system to spy Ukrainian officials and American academics. This is the conclusion of an investigation of an American company in the field of cybersecurity, reports the Wall Street Journal (WSJ). According to the publication,

iCloud has been hacked again. Important meeting between Apple and deputy head of China
Alert for users that have accounts on iCloud, Apple is trying to fix urgent situation. The general manager of Apple, Tim Cook, met in Beijing with Vice Ma Kai, to talk about the protection of users, two days after the appearance of information relating to an attack

FBI: Companies from USA spends tens of billions annually against Chinese cyber espionage
Aggressive cyber war carried by China against the United States causing each year losses worth billions of dollars to American companies, said FBI Director James Comey AFP reports. According to federal police chief, the vast majority of American companies have been targeted by this type of activities.

How Hackers Changed The World – Anonymous – We Are Legion
How Hackers Changed the World – We Are Legion is a documentary about Anonymous, a hacking documentary released by BBC. It goes in depth to describe some cyber attacks such as Church of Scientology, Paypal, Amazon, Visa, Mastercard and world governments in order to shame them for

Syrian Electronic Army Hacked eBay and PayPal websites from UK, France and India
The Syrian Electronic Army hacking group, announced that they claimed two well known companies Saturday, on 1st February 2014. The victims are eBay and PayPal websites from United Kingdom, France and India. The syrian hackers said that this attack was a “hacktivist operation” and that they haven’t
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