the hacker news Archive

Hacker News was hacked? Characters Vulnerability found

Today I discovered an interesting vulnerability in the Ycombinator’s Hacker News website. For those of you who don’t know what’s all about this website, below I added a short description of it: Hacker News is a social news website focusing on computer science and entrepreneurship. It is

Facebook vulnerability allows deleting any photo

This vulnerability allowed (it was fixed recently) malicious users to delete any photo album available on Facebook. This exploit of the Facebook Graph API allowed hackers to delete any photo album owned by a user or a page or group from Facebook. The main utility of the

2014 Security News Review

In this article you’ll find the hottest hacking news from 2014. Below you’ll find the most important security news for each month of 2014. All titles are selected from our hacking news blog. We hope you enjoyed reading these news and we assure you that better quality